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随着教育机构加强对扩大多样性的承诺, 通过入学政策包容和归属感, 社区代表及参与, see how we as designers are responding to the need for physical spaces to reflect and support increasingly diverse campus communities.




在过去十年中, there has been a growing conversation about promoting diversity and inclusion at higher 教育 campuses across North America. The root motivation stems from recognizing that changing student demographics – and increasing diversity – have not been well-reflected in institutional programs and structures. 在过去两年的社会清算中, institutions have redoubled their commitments to anti-racism with new strategies for expanding diversity through admission policies, 课程及课程发展, 在教师和领导层面以及社区参与方面的代表性. 那他们的校园呢? 物理空间是否能够响应不断增加的校园多样性以支持包容性? 并进一步, 空间体验-通过它的配置, 清晰度, 人际关系和物质性——捍卫归属感?

认识到“多样性”一词包含了广泛的维度是至关重要的, 包括性别多样性, 能力, 文化背景, 性取向与年龄. We must also consider diversity of enrollment: first-generation, part-time, lifelong and commuter. 在过去十年中, changes in student demographics have seen the emergence of specific design interventions to address the needs of specific groups. 这包括用于祈祷和健康的安静空间, 母亲和婴儿的私人空间, 所有性别洗手间, 食品分发处, 更新的通用设计标准, 为神经多样性学习者提供的特殊学习和测试空间, 社区参与的艺术装置和学生团体的多元文化空间. 通常是由学生倡导推动的, 这些都是积极的步骤, and university campuses have often been at the forefront of these thoughtful inclusions, 从而使设计超越校园界限.


以此为基础, if we broaden the design investigation to promote inclusion by responding to the wide range of requirements of an increasingly diverse campus body, 我们最近的项目提出了以下建议:

  • 与利益相关者进行深入而广泛的接触. 超越校园的核心项目领导, include students and broader communities and listen to multiple voices to uncover the specific needs and preferences of each project, 从而塑造敏捷, activity-responsive, place-centric设计.
  • 拥抱空间体验的多样性. 在建筑和景观中学习, 研究和学生生活, 创造各种尺度的空间, arrangement and 清晰度 to offer varied options for informal gathering and beyond-classroom engagement.
  • 探索健康的机会. By shifting the emphasis towards designing for the whole-person experience – and thereby fostering belonging and building community for a spectrum of persons – holistic design prioritizes strategies ranging from creating wellness-oriented spaces that maximize natural light and connections to nature, to those providing greater individual control of heat and air or to a broader set of food choices.
在乔治布朗学院的海滨校区, corridors are not for circulation alone but become the school’s connective tissue inviting informal collaboration and socializing. A variety of spaces of multiple scales and arrangement permit students to select spaces based their activities and preferences.
在阿尔戈马大学, we collaborated with local Elders and Indigenous partners to explore conceptual ideas underpinning a new building for engaged learning and socio-cultural gathering. 这是三个空间设计概念之一,解释了水如何, 天空和地球可以塑造这个项目.


特别是在加拿大 真相与和解委员会的94项行动呼吁(2015) have spurred an ever-deeper conversation within design practices to meaningfully integrate Indigenous voices and ways of knowing into 项目. 随着各机构扩大土著学生的项目准入, 雇佣更多的土著教师,并创建住校老人项目, design 项目 are exploring ways to imbue indigenous approaches in collaboration with Indigenous design partners. 在AG平台 学习+ 在安大略省的实践中,最近有两个例子可以作为未来项目的先例:

  • At the Campus Master Plan and related 项目 at Algoma University – an institution with strong ties with its Indigenous community and multi-generational Indigenous students base – all design explorations were highly collaborative and consensus-based. Project decisions evolved from an ongoing, respectful dialogue, framed by community leaders; and
  • 当重新构想河滨时 渥太华大学健康科学校区, the design team sought engagement with campus and community-based Algonquin leadership to formulate seven-generation sustain能力 strategies, 通过景观促进整体健康, 并为项目塑造具有文化内涵的建筑形式.


我们知道这些都是早期的步骤. Pandemic life and the expansion of hybrid 教育 have only underscored the immense value of social engagement and shared spirit in bolstering effective learning and the overall student experience. As we return to campus with a greater mindfulness of the nuances of diversity and the imperative for inclusion, 我们对个人偏好有更深的理解, 受环境和个人经历的影响, 影响每个学生归属感的因素是什么. 作为设计师, with each campus project we continue to explore and define the collective foundations that underpin the project, while supporting a plurality of design strategies that come together to develop the rich tapestry of spatial experiences that foster inclusion in today’s campus communities.

一位拥有20多年经验的获奖建筑师, Jay is a recognized thought leader in institutional architecture of varied scales and typologies, 在加拿大和海外.  她领导的设计,战略思维和规划 教育 项目, and engages meaningfully with clients and stakeholders to define and implement the strategic vision of the project through place-centric设计.  她深度参与了多伦多的艺术和设计社区, 担任加拿大纺织博物馆董事会成员, 作为设计学校的客座评论家和讲师. 目前, 她在家工作效率很高, 领导设计了拥有5个学院的综合健康科学学院, 26个用户组, 以及一支庞大的多学科专业团队. 


写的 杰德斯穆克

" class="hidden">湖北美术学院